"And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works,
so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful."
Titus 3:14
Service has always been a hallmark of the Christian faith. Titus 3:14 exhorts the church to learn devotion for good works. While good works do not save us, they are evidence of the truth that we are His workmanship created for good works. As such we strive to serve the orphan, the widow, and the poor through various means.

Volunteer Leaders
Food forest
Matthew & Jessie Hoenig are our ministry leads for the Food Forest urban garden. This is an effort to transform over 2 Acres of our property into a sustainable garden growing fruits and vegetables in support of our local food pantry.
Dignity of Life, widows, & orphans
This ministry aims to help us fulfill our responsibility to orphans & widows. To that end we are partnered with two groups:
1. Alicia's Closet a local foster/foster-kin support group
2. Christian Children's Home of Ohio in Wooster
1. Alicia's Closet a local foster/foster-kin support group
2. Christian Children's Home of Ohio in Wooster
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Our desire is to help you meet your full discipleship potential with opportunities to serve others.
Volunteer FAQ
Do i have to be a member to volunteer?
Volunteer opportunities are divided into 2 categories:
1. General volunteering opportunities - These involve opportunities which focus on physical labor and public service to others. Anyone who is interested just fills out the interest form above and a ministry leader will contact you.
2. Members volunteering opportunities - These involve opportunities that will require membership in the church and may require a background check. These ministries include working with children, special needs, and all teaching opportunities
1. General volunteering opportunities - These involve opportunities which focus on physical labor and public service to others. Anyone who is interested just fills out the interest form above and a ministry leader will contact you.
2. Members volunteering opportunities - These involve opportunities that will require membership in the church and may require a background check. These ministries include working with children, special needs, and all teaching opportunities
What does the worship support team do?
The worship support team focuses on providing music, sound system and visual support for the service and its streaming component. While we expect some level of experience for musicians, training on audio visual equipment and livestreaming will be provided.